1995 - 2025
01502 537773
Current office hours : Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (closed for lunch between 12pm and 1pm).
Bouncy Castle Insurance

If you are a hirer or operator of inflatable play equipment we can help save you time and money on the cost of your insurance cover.

Not only do we offer some of the lowest quotes in the UK, we don't compromise on the quality of your cover which is underwritten by rock solid "A" rated insurers.
Our cover is designed to the meet the insurance needs of businesses that hire leisure equipment and bouncy castles, Insurelink have been involved in this sector for over 20 years and understand the risks your business may face, in addition to the primary public liability insurance we can also offer :-
•Business Premises
•Business Interruption
•Goods in Transit
•Commercial Legal Expenses
•Equipment Cover
•Money Cover
For a competitive quotation, contact our friendly team.